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Секция Совета РАН по космосу
To Mars Exploration Community,
The abstract deadline of May 10 for the submission of abstracts to the meeting “Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration” (at LPI; June 12-14, 2012; http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/marsconcepts2012/) is rapidly approaching. In support of the general re-planning process, MEPAG and SBAG have jointly sponsored a study team under the acronym P-SAG (Precursor Science Analysis Group). The P-SAG committee has recently prepared a preliminary list of strategic knowledge gaps (SKGs) associated with the future human exploration of the martian system, and with our support, they have made this draft information available to support the LPI meeting. The new P-SAG analysis can be found at http://mepag.jpl.nasa.gov/reports/Initial_SKGs_05-01-12_v10.pptx.
We wish you the best of luck finalizing your abstracts!
Dave Des Marais, MEPAG Chair
Mark Sykes, SBAG Chair
(от лат. culminis - высшая точка) Пересечение светилом небесного меридиана в южной части неба, т.е. наивысшее положение светила над горизонтом, называют верхней кульминацией... [далее]
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