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Секция Совета РАН по космосу

< Вторая планета в системе красного карлика GJ 433
15.02.2012 03:51 Давность: 13 yrs
Категория: Организация космической деятельности
Количество просмотров: 6160


COSPAR Abstract Deadline Extension: 17 Feb.

Dear COSPAR Associate,

At the request of several scientific event organizers, the deadline for submitting abstracts for the 39th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), to be held in Mysore, India, 14 - 22 July, has been extended from 10 February to 17 February 2012.  If you wish to submit an abstract and have not already done so, please attend to this matter at your earliest convenience and no later than 17 February.  All information concerning the scientific program and abstract submission may be found at:


Please note that this extension does not apply to any other Assembly deadlines.

Looking forward to seeing you in Mysore,

COSPAR Secretariat 




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