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Секция Совета РАН по космосу

30.01.2012 00:48 Давность: 13 yrs
Категория: Организация космической деятельности
Количество просмотров: 6613


Dear COSPAR Associate,

Submission of abstracts for the 39th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) is now underway.  COSPAR 2012 will bring together approximately 2500 scientists and engineers from the world over to present the latest results in 120 symposia covering all areas of space science. 

Mysore, India

14 - 22 July 2012

Scientific program and abstract submission: http://www.cospar-assembly.org

- Abstract deadline:  10 February 2012

Registration and hotel reservations: http://www.cospar2012india.org

- Early registration deadline:  30 April 2012

The program for distinguished interdisciplinary lectures is now available and may be consulted at: http://www.cospar-assembly.org

Please forward this message to colleagues who may be interested in submitting an abstract.

We look forward to your participation in the 2012 COSPAR Scientific Assembly.

Yours sincerely,

COSPAR Secretariat


Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Secretariat

c/o CNES

2, place Maurice Quentin

75039 Paris Cedex 01, FRANCE

Tel:  +33 (0)1 44 76 75 10

Fax:  +33 (0)1 44 76 74 37

cospar - at - cosparhq.cnes.fr




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