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Секция Совета РАН по космосу

< «Фобос-Грунт» — гибель мечты
30.01.2012 00:31 Давность: 13 yrs
Категория: Система Марса
Количество просмотров: 5427


MEPAG meeting

Dear Colleagues,

Just a reminder that if you have not already done so and are planning to attend the MEPAG meeting at the Hilton Dulles International Airport in Herndon, Virginia (Washington, DC, on February 27-28, 2012, we would appreciate your RSVP so that we can plan for you.

A Mars Future Landing Site Workshop will be held at the same venue following the MEPAG meeting, February 29 thru March 2, 2012.

There is a block of hotel rooms set aside at the Hilton Dulles International Airport for both of these events.  The deadline for the room block is Monday, February 6, 2012.


Joyce N. Pulliam

Staff Assistant

MED Chief Scientists/Chief Technologist Office

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

4800 Oak Grove Drive, M/S 321-630

Pasadena, CA 91109

Ph. (818) 393-0444  Fax (818) 393-3035



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