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Секция Совета РАН по космосу
The 2012 MRO/CRISM Data Users' Workshop will be held in association with the 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center, The Woodlands, Texas. The workshop will be held in the Shenandoah Room, at 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM, on Sunday March 18, 2012 (the Sunday afternoon of LPSC week).
The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) has been in operation since late 2006 and has acquired over 20,000 high spatial and spectral resolution targeted observations of the Martian surface. The 2009 CRISM Data Users' Workshop introduced the data set to the community, described data products in detail, and trained attendees on using CRISM-specific software to analyze the data.
At this second workshop, CRISM team members will review significant updates to PDS-delivered CRISM data products including updated radiometric calibration of both visible and near-infrared (VNIR) and infrared (IR) images, and implementation of a data filtering procedure that addresses systematic and stochastic instrument noise. In addition, a new family of highly derived CRISM data products - the Map Projected Targeted Reduced Data Record (MTRDR) product set - will be described in detail, and the utility of this product suite for scientific investigations will be demonstrated. The MTRDR product set represents a major advance in the accessibility of CRISM-derived spectral information and is expected to become the CRISM data product of preference for a large portion of the scientific community.
All attendees are requested to register for this event, and due to available space, attendance will be limited to the first 50 registrants. To register, please visit the workshop registration site at:
(от лат. слов: lingua - язык и cosmica - космический) Язык разработан в 1960 г. голландским математиком Х. Фройденталем и предназначен для общения с представителями внеземных цивилизаций, достигших не меньшего уровня развития... [далее]
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