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Секция Совета РАН по космосу

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20.02.2012 04:58 Давность: 13 yrs
Категория: Межпланетная среда
Количество просмотров: 10544


Thunderstorms and Elementary Particle Acceleration. The second announcement.

The Thunderstorms and Elementary Particle Acceleration (TEPA-2012) conference will take place at Lomonosov Moscow State University from July 9 till July 11, 2012, just after the 23rd European Cosmic Ray Symposium (July, 2-6, 2012) also organized by MSU. The key topics of the conference cover different aspects of these extreme atmospheric events. The proposed list of topics is attached to this mail and presented at the conference web-site http://tepa2012.sinp.msu.ru.

Working language of the conference is English.


Online registration is available now. In order to register for the TEPA-2012 conference please fill in the registration form at the following link http://tepa2012.sinp.msu.ru/login/?action=register.

Registration deadline is May 10.


Online abstract submission is available for the registered participants after they are logging in. The text of abstract should not exceed 300 words.

The deadline for Abstract submission is April 10.

If you have any problem with abstract submission or online registration you may contact Alexander Drozdov (drozdov@srd.sinp.msu.ru).

Registration fee

The registration fee is 200 Euro. It covers expenses for the invitation letters for visa support, conference set, conference print program, ice-breaker party, coffee breaks and other arrangement expenditures.
The registration fee does not include the banquet. Its cost is 40 Euro.
The payment instructions will be available later.


The Organizing Committee will send Invitation Letters to those participants who fill a visa form at conference web site. Please do it just after online registration, taking into account that as a rule visa formalities need essentially long time. The Organizing Committee will send you Invitation Letter by post, you can apply for visa at your local Russian Embassy or Consulate. MSU will provide you support for a single ordinary humanitarian visa. If duration of your visit exceeds 7 days, please, inform the members of the local organizing committee.

If you are going to participate in 23rd European Cosmic Ray Symposium you should request the visa invitation letter by web site of symposium (http://ecrs2012.sinp.msu.ru).

Travel visa purchase is recommended.

The deadline for Visa request submission is April 1!


The organizing committee can render assistance for foreign participants in hotel booking. We offer you accommodation in the hotel "Universitetskaya" (http://www.hotel-universitet.ru/, 15 min walking distance from the University) or in the University dormitory. Detailed information will be available later.

Important dates

Visa request submission deadline - April 1.

Abstract submission deadline - April 10.

Online registration deadline - May 10.

TEPA-2012 - July 9 - 11.

Welcome to TEPA-2012!



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